The Seven Soul Traits Series
Presented by Miriam Peretz
Dear Community,
I am deeply grateful to connect with you through the transformative virtue of humility. Humility is at the core of my spiritual practice, and I believe at the heart of all spiritual practice. After gratitude it is the next step on our journey through the seven gates of the soul trait series.
When we embrace humility we flow like a river, fluid and constant, never getting stuck in life’s many obstacles and surprises. When we are humble we are able to connect more deeply and authentically to ourselves and to one another through knowing our divine gifts, as well as recognizing and lovingly accepting our imperfections.
Please receive the gift of Humility by downloading the free ebook pdf link below! We will continue next month with generosity. The teachings of the Seven Soul Traits are woven into the annual Warrior Women Winter Solstice immersion which is coming up in just two weeks in Berkeley, California. Learn more about this offering and register HERE. For questions please feel free to reach out HERE.
with love, Miriam