

June 26-July 1- Nava Dance Immersion- Calabria, Italy

July 5-11- ReWilding the Spirit- A Sacred Dance Journey by the Sea- Crete, Greece

July 13-21- Sacred Dance of the Heart- Southern Turkey- at Yenice Vadi

SUMMER 2025 Overview

June 26-July 1- Movimento del Mare- Nava Dance Immersion- Calabria, Italy

This immersion will dive deep into Miriam’s unique format Nava Dance which is deeply rooted in Central Asian dance aesthetics and is inspired by Sufi mystical themes, devotional whirling and contemporary dance practice. Central to Nava Dance format is the notion of embodied intention and ritual, the ability to transform one’s emotional, mental and spiritual states through movement layered with ritual and meaning. Cathartic release is also an important pillar in the Nava Dance format, and is a movement therapy that helps dancers to both push the boundaries of physical limitation, finding more release in the body as well as a letting go of negative energies and blockages. Ultimately the intention of the practice is a holistic movement journey of personal and collective transformation.

Details & Registration- HERE

July 5- 11 - ReWilding the Spirit- A Sacred Dance Journey by the Sea- Crete, Greece

An immersive dance exploration with the natural world, distilling down to our most raw elements, returning to our sacred flow.

A deep encounter with our most primal bodies connected with the water element. We will become water devotees practicing the art of mermaidism for 6 days as we reside, dwell and dance directly on the seaside. Each day will open with a short morning practice including- water meditations, morning gratitude prayer, dream remembrance and purification breath practices. Then after a light breakfast we will continue into a high energy intensive dance journey in a beautiful sanctuary space. Afternoons will be spacious for relaxing, swimming, connecting with fellow mermaid sisters, and nourishing with an amazing healthy Greek catered lunch. At sunset we will resume the dance connecting with the water and surrounding natural elements. Our sunset dance will explore individual improvisation, site specific score work as well as choreography and group movement formations (known as flocking in the animal kingdom.) Dance practices will be wide in scope including elements from Nava Dance, Integral Dance, as well as Sacred Circle dances, and dances honoring divine mother. We will also incorporate dancing and playing frame drums a practice that connects us with our ancestors and with the circle & cycle of life.

Details & Registration- HERE

July 13-21- 9th Annual Sacred Dance of the Heart- Yenice Vadi, Southern Turkey Immersion with Miriam Peretz, Alper Akçay & Many special musical guests

In the Sacred Circle we will join our hearts in dance, song, breath and prayer to receive deep healing for our full being. Journeying through embodied prayers and intentions we will embrace dance as movement medicine for the heart. This will be the ninth year Miriam Peretz & Alper Akçtay come together to offer this transformational journey. Together they will weave their knowledge and practices rooted in sacred dance forms, Sufi ritual and whirling, Alevi Bektashi Sema dances, and traditional Central Asian dances, many rooted in Shamanic wisdom traditions. Several special guest live musicians will accompany the immersion, including percussionist Faysal Maćit who will offer daily frame drum classes. This year the immersion will be held in a new location, Yenice Vadi, a beautiful and quiet setting surrounded by nature. We will explore movement sessions in nature, bringing the dances back to their roots, as well as take a special day trip to the nearby beautiful beach.

Details & Registration- HERE

 Questions & Registration-